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House on the Hill

Concept Story

 午後の日差しが柔らかく振り注ぐ出窓、使い込んだホーローの鍋、相変わらず軋んだ音を立てる重いドアを開けると、 馴染み深いいつもの日常が広がっていた。知らず知らずのうちにピンと張りつめたものが次第に緩んでいき、帰ってきたこと、帰る場所がある事実に胸を撫で下ろす。


Text by Yume Inagaki

From the passenger seat, the view grew deeper and deeper green, and I found myself looking at familiar scenery. My daughter had finally fallen asleep after a long night of sobbing, her cheeks flushed and still bearing the marks of her many tears. The exhaustion, which had enveloped my entire body after the long car ride, was slowly replaced by relief as I became neither "mother" nor "wife," but returning to the "me" that I used to be when I was a daughter.

From the top of the slope, the view opened up to a place where the sky feels even closer and bluer. There, the house where I was born and raised and my mother welcome us.

Looking out over the lush greenery, the long gravel road we had traveled on, and taking in plenty of fresh, crisp air, we slowly entered the house.

Opening the heavy door, which still makes a creaking sound, the familiar and usual daily routine unfolds. Little by little, the tension that I had been unknowingly holding tight gradually loosened, and I felt a warm glow in my chest that I was back, that I had a place to return to.

My mother's soft smile and the familiar aroma of her cooking warmed my heart, yet I was unable to speak as I stared at her bony hands and rounded back standing in the kitchen. She turned her head and started, "Before I forget," and walked up the stairs, dusting the flour off herself. My daughter, who woke up and regained all her energy and good mood as soon as I turned off the engine, ran around the house, chased after my mother up the stairs, and I followed.

When I decided to take the bold step of returning home, I inquired of my mother if she had any of the clothes I wore when I was a child. With faint hopes, I commented, "But it's been more than 20 years ago," "They might not fit my daughter's size," and "Well, if there aren't any, it can't be helped, can it?" Reassuring myself somewhat before she refused, my mother quickly replied simply: "I'll get them ready for you."

As we climbed into the humid attic, my mother held out a small dress to me with both hands. It was used, but I could see that my mother had taken good care of it. As the seasons passed and her children grew up and their tastes changed, so did the clothes in the wardrobe. And yet, one small dress has remained unchanged and cherished. It was not only the clothing she had preserved. I felt on the verge of tears, touched by how wistful she seemed.

The sleeves were still too long to fit my daughter, who had turned her capricious curiosity to me, but the fit was perfect and suited her well. We slowly made our way down the stairs, lead by my daughter, who had quickly become cranky after realizing she was hungry, followed by my mother, who had become a grandmother, and me, who was clutching a small dress to my chest.

My mother, humming, stood in the kitchen again, and a slight hustle and bustle returned to the first floor, which was once again filled with gentle sunlight and the aroma of cooking.

The afternoon comes alive with activity.

Translation by Catherine Lealand


現在はオンラインストアのみで、不定期でポップアップストアを開催しております。 Currently only online store. We hold pop-up stores on an irregular basis.


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